Every show brings something different. This show, Number 15, gives us a few things to ponder. First and foremost, even the Game Master is human. We make mistakes and forget rules. The second is the shocking end to a character that brought tensions and random chaotic relationships with non-player characters. For those folks overly attached to our show characters, you may want to avoid this show. For those of you that like the drama and learning more about the game, you'll really want to give a listen. Our SUPER HEROES , again learn that there is far more happening in the world and that they are being watched. Listen here! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LwrNz8CRMJGsUqEmHmfB9nrmcqa7oulM Winnoko City book You can grab a copy of the Winnoko City book here. http://www.lulu.com/shop/richard-grzela/winnoko-city-of-sinners/ebook/product-23473889.html System neutral and open source game book smashed together in short order for you to build off of as you see fit in...