Wow! What a difference a few players make. After over a year of playing and a couple new players. The world as we know it is being explored even further. We are thankful to the talented people that contributed their vast voice skills too. Please check out their work over at It is a real treat to see what these guys can do with various genre. They certainly impressed us! With that we would like to give a special shout out to the following ever talented - Justin Dixon ( Known as Loudscout) , Chris Knittle and Eli "Mad Roz" Evang THey can be found at @theswordcast on Twitter, as the voice of The Cultist NPC, Evangelical preacher NPC and The Mad Profit NPC. We also had a new female voice actor join us this show named Astraea. So we took the opportunity to use this show as a tutorial for those looking to learn how to play Heroes Unlimited created by Palladium Books. Listen here!