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Showing posts from January, 2018

Do you love Super Heroes 5? Wrap up of story arc 1

Well wonders never end. In this 2 hour finale extravaganza you get a boat load of entertainment. I really have to say thank you to our players and voice actors. Misogynist aside, Our heroes are finding challenges on this Duel Convergence world like none other! With two budding entrepreneurs facing the challenges of success, we see that physical power is just a part of the real grit required to make it in this big bad world. So if you love culture and combat arts, then you need to consider signing up for a class at Elizabeth Sword Studio. A fictional game place created by none other than Raven ! For fans of the show, Raven (Our Voice Actor - We don't own Raven, but we are pleased that she is humble enough to hang with our game group.) She was recently selected to voice a character for an animated children short version of a long time classic Beauty and the Beast! along with those accolades, she does art and design for her character and contributes to our group game resources too....

Do You Love Super Heroes? 4

Well if you don't love super heroes this show might certainly change your mind about that. A great cast of characters challenge the norm of the game and find innovative ways to over come the challenges in their life. Maybe even changing the world around them if random acts of....Er...Um... kindness are a thing that doesn't get in the way? Huge thank you goes out to the voice actors. Raven, Tempest, Vanisher who joined us for another adventure game #4. Then we have our music, without it, we would lose a bit of the magic. Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license. DuBoLoGy-Dub_Action bensound-Cute Mbius_-_Moss_Stone Graham_Bole-Lurking Nctrnm_-_Lipid Strange Corpse Posse is written and produced by Richard Grzela, Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

Fans of Strange Corpse Posse

Since many people might have an interest in the city our Heroes are playing in, I created a open source book with material you can adapt to any game setting. The official copy... This book is designed for role playing games. Filled with open source material for game masters and dungeon masters to use as they see fit for their personal games. Contains great bits of humor and city map for your players to explore and build upon the content within. It is adaptable to any game system. Created and Copyright Richard Grzela